Friday, February 23, 2007

Had an ARD meeting

Had an ARD meeting today for one of my teenagers. Would you believe not one negative thing was said about his behavior or his trying. I had to take him out to lunch after that. He was very proud of himself. It was nice. I am still very unhappy with the amount of time they spend on improving his reading, but what can I do? Can't seem to change the system overnight. Positive is always better than negative though. Go Son!

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

They Have a Car

How scary is that? A young man from church gave them a car. They are so excited. They moved it the other day, in the driveway. This is a scary adventure. They don't even have a permit yet. Both of them need to learn, but I am not the one to teach them.

Saturday, February 17, 2007

Do they Listen

Both of the boys hear but do not listen. They have both been told to stay away from certain people. They have been told not only by their mother but by their pastor.

Last night both sat by people they have been told to stay away from for an eight hour rock a thon. Nobody is listening. I would love to have some 16 year old consequeces if anyone has any suggestions.

Thursday, February 8, 2007

One More Stupid Mistake by Mom

So, (as my mother always started out a conversation) I go to Wal-mart to get some things we needed. While I am there I buy my son a zip up binder. Why, because he is carrying around a three ring binder that is falling apart. He taped the top of it the other day. I thought he would like this one, he could put everything in it and not lose anything. Well, don't know what I was thinking, he doesn't want it. When will I ever learn not to buy this child anything. Unless it is from a name brand store, other than Wal-mart.

Sunday, February 4, 2007

Raising Teenage Boys Without a Dad

This has been the hardest year of my life. I can not be a mother and father to two teenagers. I can only be who I am. I am their mother without a husband. I know they have enough role models around them. I attend the most wonderful church in Texas, or the US for that matter. They have youth leaders and big brothers that are wonderful men of God. But they don't have the everyday time they need to spend with a Dad. A Dad to horseplay on the ground, to throw the ball with, to go fishing with, or just talk to. So as a parent without a spouse, I will just try and keep them surrounded with other male role models and pray that everything will work out as it should.

Friday, February 2, 2007

A Nice Thing about Teenagers

They go on outings. They leave the house for hours. I am scheduled to have a nice quiet evening at home because the two teenagers are leaving town with the youth group and will be gone all night. YES!